9. May, 2022

Newest addition to Zajc wines family

Newest members of Zajc wines family: Cviček and Frankinja+Gamay Full Circle

Newest addition to Zajc wines family

Dear Wine lovers!

Last year’s harvest has been, despite tough conditions and spring frost, again really successful for Zajc Family Estate. Warm summer and fall gave us extremely high-quality yield. Ideas grew, grape must brewed and now we are finally proud to present you the two newest members of our wine family: Cviček and Frankinja+Gamay.

So, what is so special about these two wines, you ask? Both are part of »Full Circle« line. This line's aim is to bring us back to centuries passed – to our forefathers’ tradition and their winemaking process. Both wines are fermented with its natural yeast only (no additional yeast added!) and bottled without filtration, so that wine-drinkers can enjoy its full natural taste and scent.

More about both wines: https://zajc.si/en/our-wines/#full-circle

We love them and, hopefully, so will you!

Marko & Božidar

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